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Floating blue rings and clear bubbles suspended in mid-air.

Design Sprint with an AI angle

Powerful AI solutions with Design Sprint

Are you wondering how artificial intelligence could be utilized in your service? Do you need help conceptualizing a service that includes artificial intelligence? Do you need a clear plan to ensure that the AI ​​service meets the needs of your customers?

In a Design Sprint focusing on artificial intelligence solutions, we tackle the aforementioned problems. Together with our artificial intelligence expert, we help you develop and test your idea quickly.

We have solid experience in AI-related solutions. Our team understands the unique opportunities created by AI, as well as its challenges.

With a Design Sprint, you get concrete results in a short time. As a result, you get an interactive prototype of your service and a clear understanding of how best to use artificial intelligence in the development of your service.

A Rubik's cube

Working with Taito United is smooth and they are really professional. The project was completed on schedule and on budget. We are also very satisfied with the implementation itself. I am happy to recommend Taito United as a solution partner for demanding software projects where the utilization of data plays an important role. Our cooperation will continue in the future as well.

Arto Peterzens, CIO, Algol Oy

Project Benefits

  • Based on tested methods

  • A concrete outcome

  • Understanding how the service should be implemented and what its costs are

  • An easy decision: whether to take the idea to production or whether to refine it further

  • Generates new business

  • Saves your time

  • No uneneccessary coding

  • Fixed price implementation, you don't pay for anything unnecessary

Case Algol Dokumenttipalvelu | AlgolDataa ja tekoälyä hyödyntävä dokumenttipalvelu prosessien tehostamiseen
Case Saarioinen | SaarioinenTekoälyä hyödyntävä tuotetietopalvelu - tärkeä investointi tulevaisuuteen
Post-it notes

Progress of the Design Sprint (1 month)

Workshop 1

Challenge structuring, objectives, user paths

Workshop 2

Benchmarking, sketching together

Building a prototype

Taito builds a clickable prototype

User Testing

Testing the proto with five users

Next steps

We have carried out AI-focused Design Sprints with e.g. the following customers

Interested in a sprint? Get in touch!

  • Antti Seppänen

    Antti Seppänen

    Commercial Director

    +358 50 529 4558
  • Taito United logo


    Metsänneidonkuja 10

    Spektri, Kvartti 2nd floor

    02130 Espoo


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